
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

You know you're a teacher when.... Linky Party!!!

Babbling Abby is having a Linky Party through her Teacher Blog, The Inspired Apple! I absolutely love the topic, "You know you're a teacher when...." Without further ado, here is my contribution to the Linky Party! :)

You know you teach first grade when...
-You take things out of people's trashcan because it would be perfect for whatever project you or your kids are working on.
-Shut up and boobs are bad words.
-Almost everything in the Dollar Spot at Target can be used for something in your classroom.
- You can always use a couple more storage bins.
- You watch Wizards of Waverly Place, Hannah Montana, and Phineas and Ferb to get ideas for your job.
- You've considered buying stock in Pink Pearl, Elmers, and Dixon.
- Tears of joy roll down your face when a student who couldn't write her name, didn't know her ABC's, and cried every day at the beginning of the year because, according to her, she was just too dumb for school, leaves the writing center to bring you this (while sporting a huge toothless smile nonetheless):

Notice it begins with a capital letter, ends in a period, and was written all by herself!

Now it is your turn! What a wonderful idea Abby! Click her button to join the party.


  1. Among others, I watch Sid the Science Kid, The Cat in the Hat Knows All About That, and Magic School Bus. I will scout any book on tape (Reading Rainbow). It drives my husband CrAzY!

    Primary Graffiti

  2. Well said! The note is too cute! I would have had a hard time not crying with that one!

  3. Oh my, that note is precious!

  4. Love your list!

    That note is so great!
